Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Unboxing: Shuuen no Virche ErroR: salvation - Animate Limited Set

Shuuen no Virche has been one of my most anticipated otome games for 2021, especially with the way Otomate has been heavily promoting it, so I decided to splurge and buy the Animate set! (。´∀`) I was very excited when it arrived a day early (and while I was in class remotely lmao), and it took all my willpower to not just tear into the box www. 

First of course is the limited box! The LE box art is so cute and soft... You'd never guess it's actually an angsty game LOL. 

P.S. Does Ankou secretly have 3 hands? The world will never know

I love the frame and vintage wallpaper design continuing inside the box... the calm display broken by the fiery game case nestled within. 😂

All limited editions of the game include a special booklet and the drama CD 『希望、それは渇望する未来。』The booklet has this really nice raised gold design and overall is about 60 pages. 

Yes I'm using the official image because it's a lot nicer tbh LOL

Something I didn't notice until I looked at the booklet cover myself: it seems that the official romanization of the country アルペシェール is "Arpéchéle". I'm always thankful when games using quasi-European names give official spellings haha.

Inside includes promotional art, character info (blurb, sprite art, cg art), credits, a confidential section that includes even more character info and cg concept art, and short stories for all of the LIs. 

I can't really show a lot because... spoilers lol, and even I don't want to look too much before playing the game. But the art pages are very vibrant!

The general reservation/preorder bonus is the full-cast drama CD, 『せめて、今宵幸せな物語を』. This one sounds really fluffy since it involves making a children's picture book, but I'll wait to listen after I'm used to how everyone sounds www. 

And now onto the specific Animate bonuses~

First Animate bonus is this booklet, showcasing of course the Animate art. At 60 pages long, it includes a script for the exclusive drama cd and an original short story called 『クロード家の夜会は雷鳴と共に -ドレスコードは寝間着と枕-』

The Animate exclusive drama CD is 『一日自警団体験』, featuring Mathis, Lucas, and Adolphe. The online bonus CD 『最高の食材は大海原に』 features Ankou, Mathis, and Yves. This second one especially sounds like it'll be a fun ride since they scour the sea for rare cooking ingredients www. 

Since the booklet is just text, I can't really show off much of the inside. However, the sheep border is very cute www. 

There's also this lovely B2 sized cloth poster, also featuring the LE art in all of its large glory. It definitely will get ironed out before it gets hung up~

Lucas pointy toof!!

And now my absolute favorites: The buttons and acrylics!!

First are these trio of 56mm buttons, featuring again the limited art for Animate. 

Next is this set of 6 buttons, also 56mm, with cute chibi art! Despite the hints about how dark the game will be, I love how soft the colors for the chibis are. 

And last but not least: The standing acrylics!! With the base they're about 65mm tall, and also use the adorable chibi art. 

I do wish the Animate set had a Cerys chibi as well like Stellaworth, but I'm still happy regardless!

Overall the Animate Limited Set has lots of goodies and content to entertain me for quite some time, so I'm really satisfied with this purchase! (My wallet however may beg to disagree LOL) I'm really looking forward to this game, and I can't wait to finish so I can listen to the drama cds and go fully go through the booklets. 

Until next time~! ヽ(。ゝω・。)ノ

P.S. Shameless self-promotion: Here are 3 Virche bromides I translated ✌️

P.P.S. Thank you wallet-kun for your service

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