
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

E3 Fangirling

(Started this back in June, but my lazy ass is now finishing it, oops)
With E3 happening about a month or so ago, many more games have suddenly shoved their way into the bucketlist of games to try~

If you're just on my blog for otome, feel free to skip over this post: It's just a kicks and giggles post of (mainly) E3 fangirling and whatnot. (*゚▽゚*)

The Must Haves
Ace Attorney Trilogy
YEAH, Ace Attorney! Because jfc I love Ace Attorney. Good to know Capcom over here is still supporting it. Since AA5 did so well, Japan released the Naruhodou/Wright Selection 123, which included the trilogy in one game. And now America will get it as well! (Also with dual language settings). What makes it beautiful is that they'll be in HD! 8D Granted it'll be an eShop only release (*gross sobbing*) but.. it's not too bad. I did buy AA5 even though that was an eShop exclusive.

I probably don't need this trilogy since I own the third game and recently picked up a used copy of the first game, but my love for Ace Attorney runs deep. 8I

"Tsuki-chan, it's three games for 29.99!"
I know ehe.

"Tsuki-chan! HD graphics that probably won't have 2 framed sprites like the iOS version await you! And they're 3D!"
I knoww 8'D

"Tsuki-chan! HD 3D Edgey awaits you!"
I kn- wait what.

Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright
AHAHAH FINALLY. I've been waiting for this dumb little crossover since 2012. And then Europe had to get it earlier this year. >3> I shat bricks when I saw the first teaser trailer on the eShop, because I was really losing hope of this game ever getting an English release. But now in just a few more months, I can have Layton/Wright galore on my 3DS. Next time I get out of the house, I am preordering this baby.

As a side note, did Nick get a different VA again? It sounds different than Dual Destinies but... it's still bland. 8I And is it sad I'm really curious how Edgey will get sassy in the American version like he did in the UK version? XD (Because he's always been a sassy little turd when he wants to be).

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
After waiting years and years for a remake, the trumpets have finally returned. And it was about due time for some game footage too. Obvi it's not a direct sequel since you have Mega Evolution and Primal Reversion going on, so I'm curious to see how that goes. And that world map! What's going on there haha. Gameplay seems pretty similar to XY, and I actually kinda like the redesign on Archie and Maxie.

I already preordered this game a couple weeks ago. I got sapphire since a couple friends were getting ruby, but now I find more choice more appropriate: Blue is my favorite color, I have a cobalt blue 3DS, and I even have a Kyogre charm on said 3DS. XD (Too bad my Rayquaza one got busted, weh).

Super Smash Bros 3DS

We have two new fighters to the mix: Pac Man and Palutena. And a Super Smash Bros anime? Come on, hop to it. I'd watch it. I'm really excited for smash bros and I've already preordered it. It has a bunch of new and old characters that I like, plus it'll be the first SSB game that I actually own: Brawl is a common game at parties, and the McDonalds that I used to go to for their N64 games finally pulled the plug on Melee. 8I

Persona Q
Persona you lovely little franchise, come to me. The idea of a P3/P4 crossover is interesting, and the chibi art style slightly distracts you from the overall dark tones of Persona. XD Is this the first English PV we've had? Idk. But I'm glad I didn't have to buy a JP 3DS for it. And that Premium Edition hnnnnnng.

Mighty No. 9
JFC I can't wait for this game. It's created by Inafune and is considered the spiritual successor to Megaman/Rockman! 8'D Since Capcom decided to continuously screw the Megaman franchise over. Just... unf it's gonna be great.

Piqued My Interest

Hyrule Warriors
Not sure how story-line will go, but it looks like a great game to pass the time with. For a Zelda game, it's pretty fast-paced, and I'm liking the more mature tone and Dynasty Warrior feel to it. What's also awesome is that Link isn't the only playable character. My cousin has a WiiU and is a fan of the Zelda series so maybe she'll buy it..and let me play it... 8'D

The Legend of Zelda
Hey look, another Zelda game! One of the big new features is how large this new map is, allowing the player to interact more than ever before. o3o Kinda like a Skyrim map so to speak. The time of day seems to move much slower as well too. But more on the map, even the blades of grass interact with the shockwaves of the monster's beam! Like wow, detailed much. XD And then Link just whips out badass bow and just..damn. A lot of people seem to be complaining about the cell-shading, but I actually kinda like it. He's also looking kinda feminine, strongly utilizing a bow, and not in his usual green attire (as well as bearing some interesting markings on said new attire), so I'm curious how that'll go. (Take a sword Link. It's dangerous~ //slapped)

Bayonetta 2
Alright, I've actually never played Bayonetta due to fact I don't have a PS3. However, I've heard a lot of good things about it. The style also reminds me of Devil May Cry, which is a franchise I love to death (and if I remember correctly, Bayonetta and DMC have the same director?). Plus, this Bayonetta will come with both games: Two for the price of one. ;D

And as a sidenote, omfg those costumes. Why, just why. The Link and Samus costumes look pretty awesome but that Peach one scares me a little... XD

Pokemon Art Academy
Well I have one of the art academies, and I'll admit that it can be quite helpful at returning to basics and learning new methods. So now we get to learn new techniques and draw pretty little Pokemon. Like, how cute. XD As an artist, I can get some practical use out of it ('cause like hell I'll pay for pricey art lessons LOL) and have an adorable little way to pass the time. c:

Threatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call
As a loser who likes both Final Fantasy and rhythm games, I had to throw this in the bucketlist. XD I've only played the demo of the first game, but I had fun spamming the hell out of those 2 songs. And look at this ginormous cast! Another game I wouldn't mind to have to pass the time. Also, is the cutscene in the background during a song a newly implemented thing? (Ex. Sephiroth and Lightning). Well, whatever. It's still wonderful to see so many characters~ Apparently if you preorder early enough, you get a bonus CD.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal World Duel Carnival

Alright, this actually kinda threw me in for a loop. Zexal? Getting a game? It's a bit late compared to the other YGO games, wouldn't you agree? XD The only reason really I would buy the game is to practice XYZ summons and be familiar with the new monsters: XYZ makes my head hurt and I'm way too cheap to buy a bunch of Zexal-era trading cards. And seeing how I haven't gone very far in the anime, there are a ton of characters and cards I'm unfamiliar with.... (Now if an Arc-V game came out, then please, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. 8D)
Edit: And wow okay this came out recently XD

Okay I'll admit, I was pretty wtf when I first saw this. But seeing more of it made me realize that it could have some potential. I mean your goal is to cover entire areas of paint, and you can turn into a squid or whatever to... travel through paint faster? 8I I don't know, but it's different.

Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley
Alright well really the only reason I'm throwing this Harvest Moon up on here is because I really really really like the idea of the new world. I'm not fond of the art though. I've always adored the little anime-like style we've had for the GBA, PS2 and DS/3DS releases and just.... no. I don't like this awkward chibi tiny body 20meter sized eye style. 8U I'll probably just try to find a cheap HM: A New Beginning really.

Story of Seasons

Yeahhhhhhh Harvest Moon (well technically Bokujou Monogatari). It's under XSeed rather than Natsume this time but hey, XSeed did a pretty good job with Rune Factory. Not sure if it's on my "Must Have" list, but I'll be keeping an eye out on it. I need some 3DS Harvest Moons lol. And from what I've seen so far, there are some pretty  nice looking bachelors and bachelorettes (/)u(\)

Brandish: The Dark Revenant
Oooh a dungeon crawler (also being platformed by XSeed). I'm terrible at these types of games, but I'd love to give it a go anyway. And surprisingly  it's being released for PSP. I...didn't realize PSP games were still being made. XDD

Lack a System
The Order 1886

Alright. I'll admit. I've been looking at this since PS4 and all its games were announced. It just... *throws hands in air* It just sounds interesting. I mean you have this Victoria-Era London Industrial Revolution thing. But. Uh. These half breed werewolf things. Not sure if I'd actually be able to play the game, because I'm a wimp who jumps at every tense moment LOL. 8'D I'll have to admit though that the transition from gameplay to cutscene is rather gorgeous.


Awww how sweet. You embark on the journey of a fish and bird who love each other but can never be, and unite their souls to be a dragon. Just a lovely little game to pass the time. :3c And that colorful world is looking great too.

Velocity 2X
Puzzle platformer? Shoot em up? Interesting world and movements? Sign me up~

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax

Persooonaaaaa. This game would be great at game parties amongst Persona fans, or really something to kill time. XD

Assassin's Creed Unity
Despite the fact that Ubisoft won't have a female playable since they're "too hard to animate" and how there was women influence during the French Revolution, I'll still be keeping an eye out on this game. The premise of being during the French Revolution sounds awesome, and the co-op option has potential. I noticed some people were complaining on how "plain" the clothes were, but when you think about it, the style matches with those of the lower class. Besides, you don't want to wear something that'll draw attention to yourself if you're trying to assassinate someone LOL.


Another game I've been looking at for quite some time, and I'm curious how this Traveler business will play out. On top of that, it's going to be bundled with a sexy white ps4 amg.

Sunset Overdrive

 I think one of the things that popped out most was the colorful world, despite the shooter-esque aspect of it. And hey, it sounds fairly interesting: some weird energy drink has transformed people into mutants and now you've gotta take 'em out to survive. I'm also loving that guy's personality.

Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd
Hey look another Miku game, and actually in English. I've only played one Project Diva game, the one for PSP, so it'd be nice to give another one a go.


Kingdom Hearts 3

Ahhh yes, the ever elusive Kingdom Hearts sequel. Nothing wrong with KH2.5 and all that, but it's 3 everyone's craving for. ouo

Final Fantasy XV
Hi, Square? Can we get Noctis and his gang already? 8'D Originally this game was called FF Versus XIII, and then got a name change and bumped up to PS4/Xbox One. It is part of the same series that FFXIII takes place in but... come on, this thing has been in development for what, nine years? XD This game was one of the reasons I was actually considering getting a new gen console, but it's just taking. So. Long. Ugh.

Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem 

Shin Megami? Fire Emblem? Hop to it and make this sexy happen please.

(Congrats Tsuki-chan, you're all over the place with your gaming genres.)
Wow, I'm actually really interested in a lot of these. But games are so expensive, ugh. My wallet would definitely be crying from being grossly broke. And I still need to buy a Vita and the two new DiaLovers games. e-o //Tsuki-chan's money problems.

Hopefully I can get a summer job. I asked the manager of a place I've frequented since I was little to tell me for any possible jobs in being a hostess or busing tables. Also, the pianist at the church I go to said she'll call me if there are any funeral jobs she can line me up with to sing at so... we'll just have to see how it goes. 8'D

So that's all the babbling for now. Until next time~

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