
Sunday, July 6, 2014

DRAMAtical Murder Anime - When and Where to Watch!

Aaaaanyone excited for the airing of our lovable gay Nitro men? I AM! 8'DD I'm ridiculously psyched for this anime; MY BODY IS READY

Below the cut is the time to watch and where. :3c

**Airing begins at 11am (11:00) PST!**

So first up, Crunchyroll will be hosting a livestream! Really all you have to do is get in there and wait. However, room fills up quickly, so be fast. It won't start until 11, but they'll be opening the room up at 10:30. Also! It will be available to Anime Members only! (aka paid membership)

"They're full and I can't get in!! / I have no money to buy a membership! D: " Have no fear, enitari is here! I was searching through dmmd tags and this person will be doing a livestream as well, and have them saved into the archives to boot. ^_^ This lovely person also hopes to livestream each week.

Edit: It seems enitari is full, so here's another one :D from pseudo-noiz. As a bit of a fair warning, DMMd Re:Connect is being played right now so if you choose to enter... prepare yourself. XDD ← This is where I'll be hanging out at

Also. Can't watch at 11am?  Here's one at 11:50pm (23:50) tonight.

Happy viewing~!

Edit again: I bring forth more links! These websites will upload the video.


  1. ahhh so its called dmmd ...ya that the on the pc XD i think i may buy enzai since ive seen parts of the anime of it ^____^ ummm yep them parts XD .... ahhh your the one who found that dirty ayayo stuff ... sad thing is i think i herd the anime -._ - them parts sure i herd it before ... mmm it seems there have been a lot of anon hate going around.

    1. Mmhmm, DMMd on PC. 8'D They're making a Vita port for the second game, which they're naming DMMd Re:Code. I'm assuming it's going to have adult content taken out since the game is rated Cero C/15 and up LOL.

      Hmm I watched a couple episodes of Enzai, but I don't know if I'd ever play the game. The anime and situations didn't snag my interest much. 8I

      Dirty Ayayo? Anon hate? What? XD *has no clue where this conversation went*
