
Monday, June 30, 2014

Diabolik Lovers Versus II Vol 3 Kanato vs Subaru Review

Whoohoo, another Versus volume~ Once more, this takes place during the night of an eclipse, and I'm really curious how these two will act around each other. So without further adieu, let's begin.

Diabolik Lovers Versus II Vol 3 - Kanato vs Subaru
CV: Kaji Yuki and Takashi Kondo
Release Date: June 18, 2014
Well. I had a bit of fun with this volume, so I may have typed a bit much. 8’D

It starts out with Kanato saying the lyrics to Scarborough Fair, the eclipse making him remember it and the past associated with it. Yui meets up with Kanato, him taunting that she were drawn to his voice. He muses how he hates the song and his memories, but then hugs Yui. (Whaaaaa?) Naturally at the close proximity, Yui think he’s going to start sucking, but hey, he won’t mind if you want him too LOL. He just kinda...keeps embracing her though. Once more he talks about how he would sing Scarborough Fair over and over until his voice was hoarse, like a canary that kept singing till the vocal chords bled. ;AA; (Wtf feels already?) Yui tries to comfort him but he snaps on how she always irritate him, and pins her down. The sound of him doing so isn’t pleasant either oooh. He begins to kiss a bit, teasing her and making her shiver. He asks if you want to be bitten deeply, soon after taking out a knife, musing that perhaps he’ll carve pain into you with that and make you his puppet (like that one HDB ending I’m assuming welp).

Subaru however swoops in and cockblocks Kanato, making Kanato drop the knife he was holding and pulls Yui away. He goes tsun tsun for a moment, saying that it’s not like he was bothered what Kanato was doing or whatever LOL. Kanato however starts raging at Subaru on how his throw made him cut his hand. Oddly I was amused by all this squabbling and taunting the two are having. But then Kanato charges and BAM time to fight.

Kanato starts slashing away with his knife so Subaru pulls Yui behind him and avoids the attacks. Kanato goes on about how she belongs to him, but Subaru fights back by kicking (and jfc that sounded painful). Subaru swoops up Yui and jumps off, running off to hide somewhere.

And now it’s time for Subaru spotlight. He brings you to the castle basement, admitting that he used to hide in here. Apparently it’s also filled with Karl stuff, and the triplets would hate getting locked in there. He mentions how the moon is making them act and think different, ex. Subaru being very talkative. He mentions how you don’t seem to like him and he goes tsun tsun mode being all “I-it’s not like I like you or whatever” LOL. He questions how she get thrown into the mess with Kanato since she was at the party, and is appalled that she was drawn by the eclipse – which raises plenty of questions on its own. He talks again how the castle is full of things neither him nor Kanato want to remember, and the eclipse has caused them too. And shyly he admits that taking her there is like showing her his secret base haha. No one will come (Riiiiiiiight) so they can just take comfort in each other.

Yui’s looking a little pale, so Subaru tells her to come closer since he thinks she’s cold (But what if it’s not from being cold…?). Again wary, she asks if he’s just doing it to suck her blood. He stutters, then saying that if he wanted to, he wouldn’t ask pfff. He smells blood though and realizes that Yui cut her hand in the Kanato scuffle. He rips off part of his clothes (as if that top didn’t need any more rips in it LOL). Since Yui’s an epic failure at binding, Subaru takes the cloth from her, first licking it off and then binding it for her d’awww. But since he doesn’t want to lose himself, he backs off. But then Yui strolls right up and says that she does want to be sucked LOL. So hoh hoh hoh~ it’s sucking time. And seriously, at this scene, some sounds sound waaaaaay too erotic. XDD And those gasps and groans and a strained voice and just… JFC. So suck suck suck galore~ Afterwards, they kinda cuddle and stuff, but now it’s Kanato’s turn to cockblock. (☞゚∀゚)☞ And then BAM kicks Subaru away. Kanato growls how Yui is his and then kidnaps her Phantom of the Opera style.

Now that Kanato has safely deposited Yui somewhere, his tiny ego pops up, saying how he’s your Savior from saving you from Subaru. (*snicker*) But he’s obviously not happy at Yui disheveled appearance. XD He’s about to punish you, but no! FLASHBACK! (sorta) He talks about how no one would come when he was locked up in darkness and despair, calling but receiving no answer. (Aww…..) He pushes Yui down, rips some of her blouse and bites everywhere. Like… every-fricking-where LOL. I swear to gawd he’s about to go Yandere mode on me, but then he starts CRYING. WHUT. He’s upset at Subaru for doing what he did to something that was his. The moment is short lived, because he quickly re-enters Yan mode lol, continuing her punishment. He was actually starting to make me sad (Because I have a weak spot for when characters start to break in my ears) but LOL NOPE yelling once more. And aggressive sucking galore. Then he throws me in for a loop again because he gives Yui the knife and says it’s her turn to make a mark on him. Whaaaaaaa? The knife can’t kill him (even though killing a vampy is the ultimate form of love ironically) so he goads her. Yui of course can’t, so they have a little struggle and she ends up cutting his hand anyway. Now that he doesn’t need the knife, he tells her to use her nails next. Never knew he was a closet masochist, ‘cause he’s kinda getting off on it. XDD

Yui feels faint all of a sudden (and has difficulty breathing I think?), so Kanato gives her CPR and slaps her awake pffffff. He’s all “wow good job, losing your breath at just a little blood loss" – but you have to recall she got ravaged by both vampy boys LMAO. Suddenly bats start swooping in with Subaru telling Kanato to protect Yui. Apparently these bats are being controlled by someone (I call Karl) since they went bat-shit crazy. *ba dum tssss*

So the bats get chased away, and the two brothers once more have a squabble for dominance LOL. Kanato taunts that perhaps she wants to be taken by them and I’m just sitting here thinking “JFC Yui just take the 3 way.” The two have a seduce war with Yui, but Kanato makes first move. Subaru relents and joins the party as well and – jfc I never thought I’d be saying this – but awwww yeah, both of them sucking~

Approaching the final track, Kanato laughs and says how weird all these events were. Subaru agrees, saying he’d never imagine fighting over Yui with him. Kanato says he was always alone, and Subaru pipes in if it was because of Karl… to which Kanato denies. Turns out the one who always locked him up was Whoredelia Cordelia as punishment for disobeying her. Ouch So of course he’d sing, hoping she’s hear from above (*scoff* please. She’s too busy taking up dick # 325864765) and really the whole memory of it makes him want to laugh. Well. Apparently Subaru used to hear Kanato singing, because that’s where he would hide himself, and he felt happy hearing it. So turns out neither of them were really alone awwwww. Yui steps in and makes them clasp hands to make up lol. They talk some more, have a Bro Moment,  and then she leads them home.


Yeahhh, Versus. I thoroughly enjoyed this Volume for various reasons. First off, DL always amazes me with their soundtrack. They had some stuff that was eerie, and definitely befitting of the situation. The pacing of this CD was also lovely. Nothing drawled on for too long and my attention was captivated the whole time. I’ll admit that on the Ayato vs Laito one, there were some scenes were I just “Ugh can we move on?” soooo…. There’s tons, tons of sucking moments and plenty of d’awwwww moments throughout the entirety of the CD. As some of you may know, Kanato creeps me the fuck out sometimes, but even so, I’d have to say that this was probably my favorite Versus II so far. (I have listened to the Reiji/Shu one; I just haven’t typed up a proper review aha) Speaking of Kanato, his voice sounds a lot deeper than usual. It’s an interesting change. But hey, it’s natural. Compared to a lot of other seiyuu, Kaji Yuki’s pretty young. 20s I believe? Makes sense for his voice to still change. Takashi Kondo isn’t that much older than Kaji Yuki, but he sounded a lot deeper too. Just me? 「(゚ペ) Another thing that I liked about this CD was the role of villains. Throughout all the Versus, someone always gets villainized. When it first starts out, Kanato seems to be the villain, with him going on about how Yui belongs to him and all that jazz. But once you started rolling through the CD you start to realize that well…. Maybe he isn’t really a villain. And neither is Subaru. They’re both just two guys who don’t want to remember their past and the painful stuff associated with it. Ah, speaking of pasts, the locking up Kanato part confused me a little. In HDB/MB flashback, Whoredelia would have Kanato sing to her while she got screwed in front of him LOL. But I guess there are times when she loses patience with him too, so that could be why she locked him up. Another interesting point to bring up is Humanity. As pointed out in a post - and I totally agree - the eclipse breaks that "seal" each the boys have, exposing more of their human side. Because as monsters, they wouldn't normally show a weakness, but they're not mindless beasts either. The eclipse makes each of the boys act differently, though originally I couldn't really place my finger on what exactly. You can read the full post here. So yeah. My favorite Versus II so far and much recommend! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Until next time~ (*゚▽゚*)

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