
Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Random Thought About Smoothies and Drama CDs

Well I had to go to the dentist today to get a couple fillings done. I have 3 shots worth of anesthesia in my mouth (it was 2 but it still hurt so they added another) and 4 hours later, my top lip is still swollen-like and super numb.

I can't chew anything yet without risking biting myself and I haven't consumed anything for 6 hours. So I made a smoothie. I can't use a straw though. Nor can I just put the cup to my lips or the spoon in my mouth since I can't feel anything and keep hitting my teeth (which isn't fun ugh).

Nowwww here's the fun part.

I have to spoon some of the smoothie onto my tongue. From there I have to hit the roof of my mouth and then lead it back to swallow. This whole process kinda makes kissy/licking (sucking?) noises that remind me of the ones in drama cds.

So if I ever had to (God forbid pff) record something involving kissies, I'd probably just go make me a smoothie LOL

I mean hey. I heard one seiyuu - which I can't remember. I want to say Sakurai but ehhh - makes noises with a sandwich. A sandwich! I also heard another one sucks on oranges slices. So hey, a smoothie can't be that different. XD

//Tsuki-chan's dumb rambles


  1. ..... im sorry but i cant stop laughing .... o look whos still up O_o at 4pm don't she go to sleep by then XD ? i get up at like 3 pm XD

    hmmm i remember havering to try to drink on one side ...kind of hard XD

    1. Pfff well glad I can amuse you LOL. I recorded myself while I was eating just for shits and giggles to see how I really sounded, and jfc it sounds ridiculous. XDD

      Whaaaaa? Sleeping at 4pm? That's crazy. The earliest I sleep is 10pm. XD Though Akui's schedule is all messed up in the summer, so I think she's sleeping now haha.

      Pff yeah I hate that. Or having to eat on one side. I couldn't neither since pretty much was whole upper lip was numb weh. Now it's just pain. OTL

    2. just wait till you get them back theeth pulled <3.... im almost wondering what that sounded like XD
      mmm i stay up to 7am and then some time sleep to 3 or 4 pm ...

    3. UGH I know. I have an appointment to get my wisdom teeth looked at in August (cause they're already overcrowding and need to go), and then set up a date from there. OTL //gross sobbing.

      I'm *shifty eyes* rather embarrassed to post it anyway. I feel foolish. XD

      Geez no wonder you sleep at 4. Nah I go to bed 10pm-midnight and then wake up around 8-9am lol.

    4. lol ... the last thing i remember what the doc asking if i was pregnant ..-.- ya i dont look like i am... but i guess they have to ask that no matter what >_ >

      mmm that what tumbler msg is for :P

      errr why is live journal being a butt...

      ya and then when i have to get up at 10 30 am T_T gahhh to early
