
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Blog Update: Discontinued Use of Follow by Email!?

It's the last day of July! And I'm here with a blog update. 

A while back, Google announced that Feedburner, who manages Blogger's "Follow by Email" widget, would be discontinuing their email subscription service after July 2021. This means that starting tomorrow (or possibly even today depending on the timezone), anyone who is subscribed here via email will no longer receive notifications when I post something new. 

I've been searching for a bit, but I hope to find another third party service that would let me do email subscriptions again. Apparently there is a way to export current email subscriptions but.. that is something I'll have to figure out at a later time. 😅

Until a find a solution, you can also find me on Twitter and Tumblr! Although I post and retweet/reblog lots of other content there too, I also include any Blog posts that I have made.

Alternatively, I have been considering the possibility of moving to Wordpress for a while now, but I hope it doesn't come to that since I am quite partial to Blogger. (Plus that means learning coding and formatting for a whole new site haha)

To all who have been here on my blog, whether you're a long-time follower or a recent discoverer, thank you so much for the support all these years. I hope you will continue to visit and support this blog. 🙏

Until next time!

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