
Monday, July 21, 2014

Translating Update

Hello my lovely followers~ No, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you all. ヽ(。ゝω・。)ノ In approximately less than 1 hour at 11:59 (23:59) PST tonight, I am free from all summer work I had to do, WHOOHOO. (Well I do have a final exam but that’s no sweat) After 5 weeks of this excruciating torture, I have never had such a burning desire to translate. *laughs* (Especially since M08 is really interesting ohohoho)

However, I ask that you guys be a liiiiitle more patient with more. I’m currently in Iowa for vacation until the 27th. And since I’ll be done with my online work, my wifi source will pretty much get cut off until I return home; for now I must travel outside in this terrible humidity LOL. (Nah I kid, Iowa’s great. Just a contrast to me since I live in a super dry desert ugh) But do expect some translations in the days following the 27th. ヽ(・ω・ゞ)

Stay fabu guys, and thanks to all of you who have stuck by my lazy, slow, translating ass. Or to all the newies, welcome to my abode. 8’D

(P.S. I still have that poll going on if any of you care to vote)

Until next time~ ♫


  1. lol .... and now that there going to be a more blood vita ...i bet you going to want that too :P ... more scenes and im betting a after story

    1. o ya its hot now here too 80 ... it used to be 50 and 60 T_T ...booo ill have to go out again and water the grass ... oh and now lost island shall we date and now free and ninja assassin shall we date ive been liking it

    2. Hmmmm I don't know if I'll get More Blood Vita. I mean I'm already playing it now on psp, so I can live without a few extra goodies. XD Even if I wanted them super bad, I'm too broke to buy something that I pretty much have access to already haha. Plus I still have a crapton of stuff to buy, like a Vita, Vandead, Dark Fate, and some other games I've been looking forward to for a long time... //smacked//

      80??? Aw man, that's about the weather I'm having where I'm at now and I looooooove it. ewe (Well there's humidity too which kinda sucks but the temperature is nice). I'd kill to have that weather on a regular basis. It's like.... 100 and higher in the summer back where I live. OTL Ah but if you're used to the colder weather then that's why. ouo I'm a cactus; I get cold once it starts going below 60 LOL.

      Ooh Lost Island and Ninja? I've played a little of Lost Island and I still need to download ninja haha. (And a few others that I can't remember off the top of my head) Weeeeell, have fun with them 2D men ;D

    3. :P i dare you to come here when its 10 to 30 below 0 <3 XD and now this game from a new publisher for gree animal boyfriend looks interesting ooo and now my fairy tales is now free to o_O ...dam all they need is hero in love and never look back and all the game would be free ...besides there old old ones like cant say no.

      mmm i may get it ...but now im scared to get in case dailovers get a English release (100$ to import it T_T) and if it did good more blood would get too since im sure if amnesia got asked a lot dailovers should of too i know i asked when i emailed them for more otome ...PLUSE at anime expo for solomare shall we date they did a poll and the top guy was saiso and he was a sadist so the head team guy comment ..."so you all like sadist i see i see" i cant help but say you have no idea.

    4. NOOOOOO. I would freeze to death. D:

      Oh yeah, Animal Boyfriend. I keep seeing that everywhere lolol. And hey, free; nice ;D

      *sigh* And yeah, importing can be expensive. I plan to preorder the limited edition of Vandead since you get a bunch of goodies. Maybe LE of Dark Fate as well. My wallet will be crying and that's not even counting all the other crud I need to buy. (*._.) If Dialovers ever came overseas though, then that would be super sexy. I'd just be worried about all the backlash it could get with the sadism and stuff lol. Amnesia came out in 2011; it's starting to get a little old for an English project... o3o LOL "You all like sadists" pffffffff. Gawd Rejet has turned me into a Do M; it's not even funny. XD
